Open-access Effect of liming, phosphorus and potassium on Siratro culture in "cerrado soil"

Results are discussed of a three year experiment on levels of liming, phosphorus and potassium with Siratro (Macroptillium atropurpureum DC) on a Red Yellow Latosol sandy phase under "cerrado" vegetation. Responses were observed for lime and phosphorus. The best treatment was 4.0t of lime in the presence of 100 kg of P(2)0(5) (simple superphosphate) and 60 kg/ha of K2O (potassium chloride) which gave the maximum dry matter 21t/ha, the highest total protein 3137 kg/ha, and the greatest uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium which were 502, 25, 340, 167 and 62 kg/ha respectively.

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