Open-access Chuvas e umidade relativa do ar em Campinas de 1890 a 1945


In order to investigate if the Citrus disease Tristeza could be caused by a change in the rainfall, its distribution or in air humidity a study of these factors was made based on data obtained from 1890 to 1945 at Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. A large variation in the data was found but no tendency could be noticed as to increase or decrease of any of factors analysed. This does not support the general belief that climate has been changing and the disease Tristeza cannot be assumed to be caused by change of any of the factors analysed.

Chuvas e umidade relativa do ar em Campinas de 1890 a 1945

Coaraci M. Franco; Hernâni Godói


In order to investigate if the Citrus disease Tristeza could be caused by a change in the rainfall, its distribution or in air humidity a study of these factors was made based on data obtained from 1890 to 1945 at Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. A large variation in the data was found but no tendency could be noticed as to increase or decrease of any of factors analysed.

This does not support the general belief that climate has been changing and the disease Tristeza cannot be assumed to be caused by change of any of the factors analysed.

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Full text available only in PDF format.


Cumpre-nos expressar os nossos agradecimentos aos Srs. Constantino Fraga Jr. e Armando Conagin, aos quais devemos os cálculos de correlação.


Referências bibliográficas

  • 1.  Franco, C. M. Comissão de Estudo da Tristeza dos Citrus, 7.Ş Reunião (Mimeografado). 1944.
  • 2.  Mead, D. W. Em Hydrology. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York, N. Y. pgs. 1 647. ilus.
  • 3.  Navarro de Andrade. Questões Florestais. Publ. Secret. Agric. São Paulo. 1915. pg. 1 54. 1945.
  • 4.  Setzer, José. O Clima do Estado de São Paulo. Bol. Depart. Estradas de Rodagem X (35) : 17 50 1944.

Datas de Publicação

  • Publicação nesta coleção
    15 Jun 2010
  • Data do Fascículo
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