Open-access Morfologia das partículas do vírus do anel do pimentão

Morphology of pepper ringspot virus (Brazilian tobacco rattle virus) particles


Partículas tubulares, ca. 25 m¼. em diâmetro externo e com um canal axial de 4 m¼ de largura, foram observadas em preparações rápidas ou purificadas e no interior de tecidos de plantas infetadas pelo vírus do anel do pimentão (VAP). Dois tipos de partículas, quanto ao comprimento normal, respectivamente 55 e 200 m¼, foram notadas em preparações in vitro, e com infetividade associada somente às partículas longas. Partículas, de preparações purificadas, quando incubadas com ribo-nuclease ou tripsina, não se alteravam, embora em algumas das experiências a tripsinização houvesse induzido uma agregação terminal das partículas. Quando aquecidas a temperaturas superiores a 65-70°C/10' há, paralelamente à redução da infetividade, uma decomposição dos virions, que se transformam em material pulverulento. Em secções ultra-finas de tecidos infetados foram encontrados agregados ordenados de partículas similares àquelas encontradas in vitro, no citoplasma. Essas inclusões constituiam-se somente de partículas longas (ca. 200 m¼), e a ausência de grupos de partículas curtas características sugere que estas representem fragmentos aproximadamente iguais a 1/4 das longas.

Tubular particles, about 25 m¼ wide, with an axial channel 4 m¼ in diameter, were found in leaf dip or purified preparations and also within tissues, from plants infected with pepper ringspot virus (PRSV), but not in uninoculated control plants. The particle length determinations showed two prevalent types of particles in vitro, respectively with ca. 55 m¼ and 200 m¼ in normal length. These values were independent of the virus isolate, host plant or preparative procedures for electron microscopy employed. In thin section profiles, a dense rim was observed bordering the axial channel, in cross section of particles stained with uranyl acetate, which might represent the location of the viral nucleic acid in the virion. The long, 200 m¼, particles can be separated from the short, 55 m¼ particles through sucrose gradient density ultracentrifugation, when it can be demonstrated that only the longer particles are infective. Incubation of purified preparations with ribonuclease and/or trypsin, did not affect infectivity or the structure of the virions. However, in some experiments, the trypsin treatment induced an end-to-end aggregation of the particles. Purified preparations lose infectivity after being heated for 10 minutes at 65-70°C. Simultaneously a generalized degradation of virions is noticeable. The end product of this degradation is a powdery material, composed of granules 30-40 Aº in diameter. In ultrathin sections of PRSV-infected tissues, ordered aggregates of particles, similar to those found in vitro,were observed in the cytoplasm. Such inclusions consisted of long (200 m¼) particles only. In no instance, groups of typical 55 m¼, short particles were found, and this suggests that they are fragments of the longer, 200 m¼. particles, rather than products of self multiplication.

Morfologia das partículas do vírus do anel do pimentão*

Morphology of pepper ringspot virus (Brazilian tobacco rattle virus) particles

E. W. Kitajima; A. R. Oliveira; A. S. Costa

Engenheiros-agrônomos, Seção de Virologia, Instituto Agronômico


Partículas tubulares, ca. 25 mμ. em diâmetro externo e com um canal axial de 4 mμ de largura, foram observadas em preparações rápidas ou purificadas e no interior de tecidos de plantas infetadas pelo vírus do anel do pimentão (VAP). Dois tipos de partículas, quanto ao comprimento normal, respectivamente 55 e 200 mμ, foram notadas em preparações in vitro, e com infetividade associada somente às partículas longas.

Partículas, de preparações purificadas, quando incubadas com ribo-nuclease ou tripsina, não se alteravam, embora em algumas das experiências a tripsinização houvesse induzido uma agregação terminal das partículas. Quando aquecidas a temperaturas superiores a 65-70°C/10' há, paralelamente à redução da infetividade, uma decomposição dos virions, que se transformam em material pulverulento.

Em secções ultra-finas de tecidos infetados foram encontrados agregados ordenados de partículas similares àquelas encontradas in vitro, no citoplasma. Essas inclusões constituiam-se somente de partículas longas (ca. 200 mμ), e a ausência de grupos de partículas curtas características sugere que estas representem fragmentos aproximadamente iguais a 1/4 das longas.


Tubular particles, about 25 mμ wide, with an axial channel 4 mμ in diameter, were found in leaf dip or purified preparations and also within tissues, from plants infected with pepper ringspot virus (PRSV), but not in uninoculated control plants. The particle length determinations showed two prevalent types of particles in vitro, respectively with ca. 55 mμ and 200 mμ in normal length. These values were independent of the virus isolate, host plant or preparative procedures for electron microscopy employed. In thin section profiles, a dense rim was observed bordering the axial channel, in cross section of particles stained with uranyl acetate, which might represent the location of the viral nucleic acid in the virion. The long, 200 mμ, particles can be separated from the short, 55 mμ particles through sucrose gradient density ultracentrifugation, when it can be demonstrated that only the longer particles are infective.

Incubation of purified preparations with ribonuclease and/or trypsin, did not affect infectivity or the structure of the virions. However, in some experiments, the trypsin treatment induced an end-to-end aggregation of the particles.

Purified preparations lose infectivity after being heated for 10 minutes at 65-70°C. Simultaneously a generalized degradation of virions is noticeable. The end product of this degradation is a powdery material, composed of granules 30-40 Aº in diameter.

In ultrathin sections of PRSV-infected tissues, ordered aggregates of particles, similar to those found in vitro,were observed in the cytoplasm. Such inclusions consisted of long (200 mμ) particles only. In no instance, groups of typical 55 mμ, short particles were found, and this suggests that they are fragments of the longer, 200 mμ. particles, rather than products of self multiplication.

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Recebida para publicação em 7 de outubro de 1967.

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  • *
    Parte da tese para doutoramento apresentada pelo autor principal. Parcialmente subvencionada pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (C. Agron. 66/107) e pelo Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (TC 4827).
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      24 Mar 2009
    • Data do Fascículo
      Jan 1969


    • Recebido
      07 Out 1967
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