Open-access Selection of S0:1 maize progenies under different plant densities

The present work aimed to evaluate the effect of planting density on the selection of inbred progenies. GNZ 2004 single hybrid, its F2 generation and ninety-eight S0:1 progenies were evaluated in two plant densities, 50 thousand and 75 thousand plants ha-1in a simple 10x10 lattice design. The experiment was performed in the experimental area of the Agriculture Department of the Universidade Federal de Lavras, in Lavras, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Yield of husked ear and prolificy were evaluated. Results showed genetic variation among the S0:1 progenies in the two densities, allowing the selection of progenies with higher potential for production of husked ear corn. Interaction of the progenies x densities was not significant that, associated with high genetic correlations, indicate that the selection could be performed efficiently at any density.

Zea mays; corn; inbred progenies; plant breeding

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