Open-access Observações sôbre a produtividade de seringueiras (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. -arg.) plantadas de sementes: VI - Produtividade de 4337 plantas existentes no seringal imperial, óbidos pará

In this paper are presented the results of tapping 4337 seedlings of rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis Muell.-Arg.) approximately 37 years old. The tapping system used was one full-spiral cut every fourth day, the cut made at an angle of 30º counter clockwise downward. Besides the production also were studied the size of the plants (measurement of the circumference of the trunk at one meter above the soil) and the following characteristics of the bark: a) texture: smooth (L) or rough (R), determined by its aspect; b) hardness: soft (M) or hard (D), determined by the resistance offered to the cut with a Jebong knive; c) color: white (B), red (V) or rose (Ro); and d) thikness: thin (F) or thick (G). delermined visually at the moment of a cut. A detailed discussion of the findings are presented and the results show a close relation between size of the plant (girth) and production, the yield increasing with the increase of the size of the plants. On the other hand it was observed that the better yielding plants were of greater size and with rough, hard and thick bark; consequently the poorer yielders were plants of small size and with smooth, soft or thin bark. Is was observed also that of the association of two or more of the characteristics of the bark apparently linked to better production, resulted in a greater productivity, and vice-versa. The color of the bark do not seem to be closely related to production. It is suggested that the bark characteristics may be used in studies related to selection and improvement of the rubber tree. The study of the population of plants shows also that: a) 10% of the plant population yielded 27.82% of the total latex production: b) 25% of the plant population yielded 49.27% of the total latex production: c) 50% of the plant population yielded 73.51% of the total latex production: d) 75% of the plant population yielded 90.40% of the total latex production.

Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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