Open-access Variedades de batatinha (Solanum tuberosum L.) procedentes da Holanda: parte II - resultados experimentais da segunda plantação, no país, com tubérculos importados em 1947


This paper presents the results obtained from six replicated experimental plantings of Irish potatoes in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The potatoes tubers employed as seed in these test plantings were selected from the crop produced from the original tubers introduced from Holland in 1947. The results obtained from plantings in February 1947 made of the original seed pieces were the subject of a previous publication. The current tests reported herein were carried out in the same areas as those previously reported. The date of the second planting was, September 1947 and the second crop was harvested in February and March of 1948. The results obtained from the second plantings were similar to those secured from the original tests. Phytopthora infection was prevailent and caused considerable damage to the Eersteling and Saskia varieties while the Alpha and Voran varieties appeared to have appreciably more resistance. Under the conditions tested, the Eersteling, Saskia, Doré, and Geelblon were found to be early maturing varieties, while Alpha, Voran, and Libertas, were late maturing varieties. The highest average yields per hectar were 16 tons with the variety Eigenheimer and 12.4 tons with the variety Bintje. The yields obtained from the second plantings were greater than those obtained from the first plantings. This difference in yield has been attributed to the more favorable distribution of rain in the second growing season.

Variedades de batatinha (Solanum tuberosum L.) procedentes da Holanda. Parte II — Resultados experimentais da segunda plantação, no país, com tubérculos importados em 1947

O. J. Boock(1)

Engenheiro agrônomo, Secção de Raízes e Tubérculos, Instituía Agronômico de Campinas


This paper presents the results obtained from six replicated experimental plantings of Irish potatoes in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The potatoes tubers employed as seed in these test plantings were selected from the crop produced from the original tubers introduced from Holland in 1947. The results obtained from plantings in February 1947 made of the original seed pieces were the subject of a previous publication. The current tests reported herein were carried out in the same areas as those previously reported. The date of the second planting was, September 1947 and the second crop was harvested in February and March of 1948.

The results obtained from the second plantings were similar to those secured from the original tests. Phytopthora infection was prevailent and caused considerable damage to the Eersteling and Saskia varieties while the Alpha and Voran varieties appeared to have appreciably more resistance.

Under the conditions tested, the Eersteling, Saskia, Doré, and Geelblon were found to be early maturing varieties, while Alpha, Voran, and Libertas, were late maturing varieties.

The highest average yields per hectar were 16 tons with the variety Eigenheimer and 12.4 tons with the variety Bintje. The yields obtained from the second plantings were greater than those obtained from the first plantings. This difference in yield has been attributed to the more favorable distribution of rain in the second growing season.

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1.Boock, O. J. Variedades de batatinha (Solanurn tuberosum L.) procedentes da Holanda — Parte I — Resultados experimentais da primeira plantação, no País, com tubérculos importados em 1947. Bragantia 8 : 25-52. 1948.

2.Boock, O. J. Experiências de variedades de batatinha. Em Relatório da Secção de Raízes e Tubérculos. Inst. Agr. de Campinas (não publicado) 1947.

Referências bibliográficas

  • 1.  Boock, O. J. Variedades de batatinha (Solanurn tuberosum L.) procedentes da Holanda Parte I Resultados experimentais da primeira plantação, no País, com tubérculos importados em 1947. Bragantia 8 : 25-52. 1948.
  • 2.  Boock, O. J. Experiências de variedades de batatinha. Em Relatório da Secção de Raízes e Tubérculos. Inst. Agr. de Campinas (não publicado) 1947.
  • (1
    ) Para a execução dessas experiências, contamos com a cooperação dos seguintes senhores, a quem deixamos os nossos agradecimentos : Manuel Osório de Oliveira, proprietário da fazenda Chapadão, em Vargem Grande do Sul ; Renato C. Lima, diretor da Usina de Açúcar Itaiquara ; Manuel Rofino, encarregado da Estação Experimental de São Bento do Sapucaí ; e dos engenheiros agrônomos Samuel Silveira Melo, chefe do Serviço de Vigilância Sanitária Vegetal, em São João da Boa Vista ; Pedro Arinos da Cunha, agrônomo regional de São João da Boa Vista, Wilson Correia Ribas, chefe da Est. Exp. de Capão Bonito : Mário Vieira de Morais, chefe da Est. Exp. de Mococa : Júlio Seabra Inglês de Sousa, chefe da Est. Exp. de São Roque, e Carlos Roessing, chefe do Campo de Demonstração "Ricardo Azzi", em Tietê.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      08 Jun 2010
    • Data do Fascículo
      Dez 1948
    Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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