Open-access Spermine decreases ethylene and increases sugars and phenolic compounds in nasturtium flowers grown under drought and salt stress


Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) is an ornamental and medicinal plant that has edible flowers. Drought and salt stress decrease flower production and quality, including affecting sugar metabolism and ethylene production. Ethylene can accelerate the nasturtium senescence process, decreasing its postharvest quality. The use of polyamines, mainly spermine, may be a strategy for reducing the harmful effects of these stresses on the metabolism of sugars and phenolic compounds and for decreasing the production of ethylene, which accelerates senescence, in nasturtium flowers. Therefore, the objective here was to evaluate the role of spermine application on sugar and phenolic compounds and on ethylene production in nasturtium flowers grown under drought and salt stress. Two experiments were performed in isolation and at the same time in order to achieve this. Spermine down-regulated ethylene production and up-regulated the content of sugars and phenolic compounds on nasturtium flowers grown under drought and saline stress. Sugars and phenolic compounds down-regulated ethylene production in nasturtium flowers. Spermine can be used to mitigate the harmful effects of drought and salt stress on nasturtium flowers by increasing sugar and phenolic compounds and decreasing ethylene production.

Key words  Tropaeolum majus ; abiotic stresses; polyamine; sugar and phenolic metabolism

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