Open-access Culinary quality avaliation of german potatoes varieties

Eighteen German potato varieties were tested for their cooking qualities, with tubers provenients from four field trials settled in different potato regions of the State of São Paulo. The highest dry matter and starch content, per unit of weight were lux, ômega, sálvia, baku, rubin and ceres. Per unity of area, the values of baku, ômega, lux, palma, ulla, bola, wiebke, topi, prinzess and ceres were higher than the average. For salad purpose, the best results were from ceres, rubin, prinzess, umbra, sálvia, prima, palma, jetta, gelbling, wiebke, ulla, atica, broca and lux. Omega was the best one for making chips and French-fried. Ceres, umbra and rubin also gave good chips. All these cultivars, more jetta, prinzess, ulla, and palma gave good French-fried. The methods used in the evalution were near the home used but gave a good idea about the cooking qualities of the varieties.

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