Open-access Genetic divergence and heterosis related to physiological quality in maize seeds


Early studies with regard to the selection of maize lines based on seed quality characteristics can be exploited in breeding programs in the early stages of hybrids achievement. The objective of this study was to analyze the genetic diversity and the heterosis associated with physiological quality of seeds, in function of the force, for biochemical composition in the achievement of hybrid corn. In the experiment, seeds from 8 lines and 3 maize hybrids (single hybrid, triple and modified triple) were used. Biochemical components in the seeds were evaluated by means of starch content, total protein, total phosphorus, iron and zinc. Based on Singh’s method, it was observed that the variable which most contributed to genetic divergence on the biochemical composition of the seeds was the starch content, with 46.47%. Genetic diversity and heterosis were found for the biochemical composition of the seeds, indicating that this feature can be exploited in breeding programs aiming at the quality of the seeds. The simple hybrid, composed of the strains 2 and 4, was indicated as the best match for the biochemical composition in seeds, with the highest heterosis for starch content, phosphorus, iron and zinc.

Key words Zea mays L.; biochemical composition; lines

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