Open-access Film coating of tomato seeds of the associated paclobutrazol

Seed treatment with paclobutrazol (PBZ) should be enhanced and coating technologies, such as film coating can be applied uniformly and promising to fix this regulator in the seed coat without allowing a contact damaging the embryo. The objective of this research was to determine the effects of film coating with paclobutrazol on physiological potential of tomato seeds and its implications on the growth seedlings. A randomized experiment design was applied in a factorial 2×4 scheme, presence or absence of the polymer coating Disco AG Red L-203® (0 or 150 ml kg-1 seed) and four concentrations of paclobutrazol - PBZ (0, 38,5 , 76,9 and 115,4 mg L-1). The interaction between factors (film coating x paclobutrazol concentrations) occurred only for variable electrical conductivity. Regardless of the concentration, paclobutrazol reduced germination, seedling emergence, height, leaf area and led to an increase in the detection of chlorophyll. Film coating does not interfere with the action of paclobutrazol on the seeds. Paclobutrazol is effective in seedling growth control, but affect the germination and seed vigor.

Solanum lycopersicum L.; seed coating; growth regulators; germination; vigor

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