Open-access Stability of grain yield on wheat genotypes at the Paranapanema valley, state of São Paulo, Brazil

The yield stability of eleven wheat genotypes was studied on sixteen localities with different environmental conditions at the Paranapanema Valley State of São Paulo, in the period 1984-87. Using Eberhart & Russel's model it was possible to detect variability among the genotypes considering the different localities. Pedrinhas Paulista showed to be the best one in 1985 and Assis the worst, in 1984. The genotype BH-1146 was the most stable for all considered environments with the highest yield. The cultivars Alondra-4546, IAC-5 and Paraguay-281 presented adaptation only under favorable growing conditions. The use of this model permitted to identify the best environments and the most stable varieties, justifying its use for wheat cultivar recommendations, on the present study.

wheat, cultivars; grain yield stability; average grain yield; environment index

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