Open-access Phenomics approaches: genetic diversity and variance components in a S2 guava family by seed traits


Guava is of great economic importance in Brazil. The development of new cultivars by obtaining inbreeding lines has been a promising option. The objective of this work was to evaluate the S2 families of Psidium guajava using seed attributes. Different characters of physiological quality of guava seeds were studied, in addition to performing digital phenotyping of characteristics of geometry, texture and colors of the seeds. The variables were analyzed simultaneously using the Ward-Modified Location Model (MLM) method and carried out individual analyses of variance for estimating genetic parameters of the population. The formation of more than one group of divergent genotypes was observed, the geometry characteristics were more impacting for the discrimination of the genotypes, a high phenotypic correlation was observed with the germination variables and dry matter weight. High heritabilities were verified for the variables related to seed quality, indicating success in selecting vigorous genotypes. The Ward-MLM method is a useful tool to detect genetic diversity among genotypes of inbred guava. Thus, the most divergent genotypes with high germination potential can be recommended for future crosses or self-fertilized to obtain new lines in the guava breeding program.

Key words  Psidium guajava ; digital phenotyping of seeds; Ward-Modified Location Model; heritability

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