Open-access Variação da composição química de grãos de soja 'Santa-Rosa' durante o seu desenvolvimento

Variation in the chemical composition during the development of soybean seeds cv' Santa-Rosa


Estudou-se a dinâmica de acúmulo de carboidratos, nitrogênio total, óleo, ácidos graxos e matéria seca em sementes de soja durante o seu desenvolvimento. Foram utilizadas vagens de plantas de soja cv' Santa-Rosa, plantadas em campo de aumento no Centro Experimental de Campinas, ano agrícola 1977/78. As sementes foram colhidas aos trinta dias após florescimento (DAF) e analisadas com intervalos de sete dias, desde essa idade até à maturação. Os resultados mostraram maior acúmulo de matéria seca, nitrogênio total e polissacarídeos totais no período de 37 a 65 DAP; de açúcares solúveis, entre 37 e 72 DAF; de polissacarídeos solúveis em água, entre 51 e 82 DAF, e de matéria graxa, entre 51 e 65 DAF. Verificou-se a influência positiva da temperatura e negativa da precipitação pluvial na taxa de acúmulo de matéria graxa dos grãos. Os ácidos graxos saturados, ao contrário dos insaturados, decresceram durante o desenvolvimento dos grãos.

A study was made on the accumulation of carbohydrates, total nitrogen, oil, fatty acids and dry matter in seeds of soybeans during development stage until maturity. The first sample was taken at 30 days after flowering of the cultivar Santa Rosa planted in a multiplication plot at the Experimental Station in Campinas. Subsequent sampling was done at intervals of seven days until maturity. The results showed that the greater part of the dry matter, total nitrogen and total polysaccharides accumulate during the interval between 37 and 65 days after flowering (DAF) and small increases thereafter. During the above mentioned interval the accumulation in the seed was: dry matter 3.92 to 71.40 mg, total nitrogen 0.32 to 7.39 mg and polysaccharides 0.73 to 14.25 mg. During the interval of 37 to 72 DAF there was greater accumulation of soluble sugars which varied from 0.33 to 19.95 mg/dry matter per seed whereas soluble polysaccharides in water accumulated during 51 and 82 DAF which varied from 0.52 to 2.16 mg/dry matter per seed. Most of the fatty acid accumulation took place during 51 and 65 DAF and varied from 4.3 to 15.6 mg/dry matter per seed. It was observed that the rate of the seed oil accumulation decreased during the rainny period and increased during the higher temperatures period. The accumulation of linoleic acid correlated with oil. A decrease in the saturated fatty acid contrary to the unsaturated fatty acid was observed during the development stage of the seed.


Variação da composição química de grãos de soja 'Santa-Rosa' durante o seu desenvolvimento1

Variation in the chemical composition during the development of soybean seeds cv' Santa-Rosa

Maria Tereza R. da SilvaI; Roberto M. de MoraesI; João Paulo F. TeixeiraI; Hipólito A. A. MascarenhasII, 2

ISeção de Fitoquímioa, IAC

IISeção de Leguminosas, Instituto Agronômico, IAC


Estudou-se a dinâmica de acúmulo de carboidratos, nitrogênio total, óleo, ácidos graxos e matéria seca em sementes de soja durante o seu desenvolvimento. Foram utilizadas vagens de plantas de soja cv' Santa-Rosa, plantadas em campo de aumento no Centro Experimental de Campinas, ano agrícola 1977/78. As sementes foram colhidas aos trinta dias após florescimento (DAF) e analisadas com intervalos de sete dias, desde essa idade até à maturação. Os resultados mostraram maior acúmulo de matéria seca, nitrogênio total e polissacarídeos totais no período de 37 a 65 DAP; de açúcares solúveis, entre 37 e 72 DAF; de polissacarídeos solúveis em água, entre 51 e 82 DAF, e de matéria graxa, entre 51 e 65 DAF. Verificou-se a influência positiva da temperatura e negativa da precipitação pluvial na taxa de acúmulo de matéria graxa dos grãos. Os ácidos graxos saturados, ao contrário dos insaturados, decresceram durante o desenvolvimento dos grãos.


A study was made on the accumulation of carbohydrates, total nitrogen, oil, fatty acids and dry matter in seeds of soybeans during development stage until maturity. The first sample was taken at 30 days after flowering of the cultivar Santa Rosa planted in a multiplication plot at the Experimental Station in Campinas. Subsequent sampling was done at intervals of seven days until maturity. The results showed that the greater part of the dry matter, total nitrogen and total polysaccharides accumulate during the interval between 37 and 65 days after flowering (DAF) and small increases thereafter. During the above mentioned interval the accumulation in the seed was: dry matter 3.92 to 71.40 mg, total nitrogen 0.32 to 7.39 mg and polysaccharides 0.73 to 14.25 mg. During the interval of 37 to 72 DAF there was greater accumulation of soluble sugars which varied from 0.33 to 19.95 mg/dry matter per seed whereas soluble polysaccharides in water accumulated during 51 and 82 DAF which varied from 0.52 to 2.16 mg/dry matter per seed. Most of the fatty acid accumulation took place during 51 and 65 DAF and varied from 4.3 to 15.6 mg/dry matter per seed. It was observed that the rate of the seed oil accumulation decreased during the rainny period and increased during the higher temperatures period. The accumulation of linoleic acid correlated with oil. A decrease in the saturated fatty acid contrary to the unsaturated fatty acid was observed during the development stage of the seed.

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Recebido paia publicação a 20 de fevereiro de 1980.

Referências bibliográficas

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  • 1
    Trabalho apresentado na XXXII Reunião Anual da SB PC, de 6 a 12 de julho de 1980, Rio de Janeiro (RJ).
  • 2
    Com bolsa de suplementaçao do CNPq.
  • Datas de Publicação

    • Publicação nesta coleção
      21 Dez 2007
    • Data do Fascículo


    • Recebido
      20 Fev 1980
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