Open-access Simple correlations between fiber maturity and economic characteristics in cotton

Simple correlations between maturity indices determined by the digital fibrograph and the characteristics of fiber length, uniformity, Micronaire, Pressley (1/8 gauge), yarn strength, mean boll weight, mean weight of 100 seeds, percentage of fiber, and yield were studied. Data of 12 experiments of regional variety tests planted in 1970/71 and of 13 experiments planted in 1971/72 in different regions of the State of São Paulo were used. These experiments delined in 6x6 latin squares yielded 72 pairs of data in the first year and 78 in the second year. Correlation coefficients were computed by variety within years and mean estimates obtained through Fisher's Z transformation. Large variations of the values obtained were observed among varieties within year as well as between years within variety. The mean estimates were signicant except for Pressley, yarn strength, and percentage of fiber. An explanation of these exceptions is presented through compensation mechanisms that may occur during the determinations. Lack of homogeneity was observed in the case of Micronaire and of Uniformity. Adverse conditions of the year of 1971/72 corresponded to higher values of the correlation coefficients.

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