Open-access A quantitative and qualitative study on corn (Zea Mays L.) kernel protein

The paper studies the quantitative and qualitative content of protein in 49 samples of corn. Independent chemical analyses were made on the protein of germ and endosperm. The description of the method of the chemical analysis is presented, giving special emphasis to the method used, with good results, for the determination of tryptophan. The following observations were made: a) the average total protein content is fairly high in the studied samples as compared to American corn hybrids; b) flint corn samples showed higher total protein content than the dent corn samples; c) between flint and dent corns the difference is not significant in the proportion in tryptophan over total protein; d) the protein of samples rich in protein contains approximately 1.10% tryptophan; the protein of low protein samples contains, in average, 1.20% tryptophan; e) the protein of the germ has more tryptophan than the most animal or vegetable proteins of high biological value; f) selection for a larger percentage of germ in the corn kernel is efficient to increase not only the quantity but also the quality of protein in corn.

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