Open-access Penetration resistance according to penetration rate, cone base size and different soil conditions

Resistência do solo à penetração em função da velocidade de penetração, tamanho da base do cone e diferentes condições do solo

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of penetration rate and the size of the cone base on the resistance to penetration under different soil moistures and soil bulk density. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 4x2x2x2 factorial arrangement, with the factors, soil bulk density of 1.0; 1.2; 1.4 and 1.6 Mg m-3, soil moisture at the evaluation of 0.16 and 0.22 kg kg-1, penetration rates of 0.166 and 30 mm s-1 and areas of the cone base of 10.98 and 129.28 mm² resulting in 32 treatments with 8 replicates. To ensure greater uniformity and similarity to field conditions, samples passed through cycles of wetting and drying. Only the interaction of the four factors was not significant. Resistance values varied with the density of the soil, regardless of moisture and penetration rate. Soil penetration resistance was influenced by the size of the cone base, with higher values for the smallest base independent of moisture and soil bulk density. The relationship between resistance to penetration and moisture is not always linear, once it is influenced by soil bulk density. Reduction in the area of the cone leads to an increase in the soil resistance to penetration.

soil bulk density; soil moisture; methodology

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