Open-access Resistance to bruchids, fat acid composition and grain texture in genotypes of chickpea

The bruchids have been observed as the most important species in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) storage. Nevertheless, many authors reported in some genotypes of Fabacea differences in susceptibility to bruchids attack, suggesting the use of resistant cultivars as a method to avoid infestation during storage. The Instituto Agronômico of Campinas (IAC), State of São Paulo, Brazil, has been selecting chickpeas genotypes suitable to local conditions. The main objective of this research was to verify the occurrence of resistance to Callosobruchus phaseoli (Gyllenhal), C. maculatus F. and Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say) in six chickpeas genotypes during storage. The genotypes were: cv. IAC-Marrocos, IAC-Sonora, IAC Sonora-FE, IAC-GB2, IAC-GB3 and IAC-GB4. Each of them was infested by insects of the three main species. The differences in resistance were evaluated by: (a) the percentage of eggs developed until adult phase, (b) period from egg to adult, (c) loss of weight in seeds per insect developed and (d) the number of eggs per female, the last one was applied only for Callosobruchus species. The seeds chemical composition, fat acids, was evaluated in order to establish a relationship with the seeds resistance or susceptibility. The cultivars IAC-Marrocos and IAC-GB2 showed evidences of resistance to bruchids. IAC-Sonora and IAC-Sonora-FE, which have the best agricultural characteristics, had their seeds cooking quality analyzed. Differences in bruchids attack were observed among the six chickpeas genotypes. IAC-GB2 was the less susceptible to C. maculatus, C. phaseoli and A. obtectus. The resistance to bruchids in chickpea may be related to tegument components as pigments, in dark tegument genotypes, and to the presence of linoleic acid, affecting oviposition and also larval feeding and/or larval biology. Cooking quality differed among genotypes. Cooking quality of IAC-Sonora was significatively higher than that of IAC-GB2.

storage; Insecta; Bruchidae; Callosobruchus maculatus; Callosobruchus phaseoli; Acanthoscelides obtectus; chickpea; Cicer arietinum; resistance to insects; cooking quality; fat acids; linoleic acid

Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil
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