Open-access Modification of ramaer's technique to obtain twin plants of rubber tree

The objective of this work was to enhance the success of obtaining twin rubber plants of equal size, by turning easy the Ramaer's technique, which consist of using seeds in the final stage of germination when radicle shows more than 3 cm length and the longitudinal splitting in two halves of equal size up to the cotyledonary arms. A longitudinal sectioning in two stages was tested, first of emerging tip of the radicle, 3.0 mm long, up to 1.0 cm above the root collar. After the regeneration of two equal radicles, the sectioning was concluded according to the Ramaer technique. The percentage of equal sized twin plants was 82.5 with the modified method and 52.5 with the Ramaer technique.

Hevea; cotyledonary buds; rootstock effects

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