Open-access Root surface area of coffee plants by the titration method

The root surface areas of 10 months old coffee plants (Coffea arabica L. cvs. Arabica and Catuaí, C. canephora Pierre cv. Guarini, and C. arabica x C. canephora cv. Icatu) were evaluated by an adaptation of the WILD & VOIGHT (8) titration method. The root and shoot dry weight, stem diameter, shoot and root lengths were also measured. The plants were assigned in a randomized complete-block design with 5 blocks and 4 replications per plot. They were grown in polyethylene bags in a coffee nursery under 50% sun light. A greater root surface area, dry weight, stem diameter and shoot length was found in the cultivars Guarini. A high correlation between root surface area and root and shoot dry weights was observed for all studied coffee cultivars. The use of the titration method is suggested for measuring effects of physical, chemical and biological agents on root systems of coffee plants as well as other species.

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