Open-access Xiphinema brasiliense, nova espécie de nematóide do Brasil, parasita de Solanum tuberosum L.

Xiphinema brasiliense, a new opistodelphic species of Brazilian nematode, was found in soil around potato roots at Sapecado (State of São Paulo, Brazil). It differs from the other known opistodelphic species of the genus, by its type of tail end, which is digitate. It contrasts most strongly with X. ensiculiferum (Cobb, 1893), in which the shape of the extremity is decidedly hemispheroidal. The species most closely resembling X. brasiliense isX. chambersi Thorne, 1939, from which it is distinguished by its longer stylet and the mentioned characteristic form of the end of the tail. The X. brasiliense amphids are also very short and wide, unlike those of X. chambersi.

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