Open-access Oilseed crops initial development as influenced by sugarcane vinasse soil application

This research aimed to verify the effect of addition to soil of vinasse, a sugarcane industry residue, on the emergence and initial development of sunflower, castorbean and peanut, which are crops with great potential of taking part of a sugarcane rotation system. The experiment, conducted in pots with soil, was a 2 x 3 factorial in a randomized complete block design, with four replications. The treatments consisted of application or not of 150 m³ha-1 of vinasse on soil sowed with sunflower (IAC-Iarama, Catisol and Hélio 358), castorbean (Guarani, Iris and IAC-2028) and peanut (IAC Caiapó, Runner IAC 886 and Tatu) cultivars. The variables evaluated were emergence speed, first count emergence, final emergence, plant height, and dry plant biomass, measured thirty days after sowing. The results show that germination and initial development of peanuts and, in a lesser degree of sunflower, are negatively influenced by the addition of vinasse to the soil, at greenhouse condition. On the other hand, the effect on castorbean is positive, mainly in relation to the vigor variables, the better performance being showed by 'IAC 2028' and 'Iris'.

sunflower; castorbean; peanut; seedling emergence; sugarcane industry residue

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