Open-access Effects of liming and potassium fertilization on the agronomic characteristics and technological properties of the cotton fiber

The effects of liming and potassium fertilization on the agronomic characteristics and technological properties of the cotton fiber were studied in a permanent trial on a Dystrophic Dusky Red Latosol, acid, of low fertility during growing seasons of 1976/77 to 1985/86. A split-plot design was used, dolomitic limestone being applied on the plots at the levels of 0, 2, 4 and 6 t/ha, while the doses of 0, 50, 100 and 150 kg/ha of K(2)0, corresponded to the subplots. Lime was applied in the first year, and the experiment was conducted and reapplicated during 1981/82, while potassium was furnished annualy, at planting time, in mixture with NK fertilizers. Liming caused an increase in the mass of bolls and reduced the mass of seed, length, length uniformity, Micronaire index, maturity and fiber strength. Potassium fertilization caused an increase in mass of bolls and seeds, length uniformity, Micronaire index, maturity and fiber strength, when was applied, on the last, the correction of the Pressley values. Anyone interaction between lime and potassium was observed.

cotton; fiber quality; agronomic characteristics; technological properties; liming; potassium fertilization

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