Open-access Effect of the harvesting time in the vegetative growth, yield and quality of the storage roots of three cassava cultivars

With the objective of determining the effect of harvesting time in the vegetative growth, yield and quality of storage roots of three cassava cultivars (Manihot esculenta Crantz), an experiment was carried out in an area of red distrophic Red Latosol in Araruna, Northwest of Paraná state, from October, 1997 to May, 1999. The experimental design was a randomized complete blocks with four replications and treatments arranged in split plots. The main treatments were the cassava cultivars Mico, IAC 13 and IAC 14 and the secondary treatments were ten monthly harvests starting from the second plant growing season. The canopy yield observed in the second season, presented an increase of 50.0%. The good development of the vegetative structure of the plants resulted in a greater accumulation of reserve material in the storage roots, increasing its yield. The highest harvest indices were observed from 19 to 21 months, with mean values superior to 54.0%. The cultivars were not significantly different in production of tuberous roots, dry matter and starch. The second phase of physiologic rest of the plants showed to be more favourable for harvesting, expressed in terms of production of storage roots (92.5%), of dry matter (125.0%) and starch (144.0%).

canopy; harvest index; root production; starch production; age of plants

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