Open-access Growth and yield of sweet potato in response to the application of nitrogen rates and paclobutrazol


The excess of nitrogen (N) causes the overgrowth of sweet potato foliage, increasing the self-shading and reducing the root yield. Therefore, a combined N and paclobutrazol (PBZ) application can reduce the vegetative overgrowth and benefit the sweet potato yield. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the plant growth, yield, uptake and removal of N by sweet potato plants fertilized with N and treated with PBZ during two planting seasons. The treatments consisted of four N rates (0, 50, 100 and 200 kg·ha–1), three forms of PBZ application (PBZ-10: PBZ applied at 10 days after side-dressing N fertilization [DASNF]; PBZ-25: PBZ applied at 25 DASNF, and PBZ-10 + 25: PBZ applied at 10 plus 25 DASNF), and a control (without PBZ application). Paclobutrazol application temporarily reduced the length of the main branches of sweet potato planted in the rainy season, but it did not reduce the shoot biomass of plants in both planting seasons. A single application of PBZ at 10 DASNF increased the yield of fresh storage roots in the two planting seasons, but, during the rainy season, the increases were greater when two applications were carried out. The application of 50 kg·ha–1 N in the rainy season was sufficient to reach the maximum yield of fresh storage roots, but, in the dry season, the N fertilization increased the N uptake without benefiting the root yield.

Key words nitrogen uptake; triazole; gibberellin inhibitor; planting seasons; Ipomoea batatas (L)

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