Open-access Rpp genes conferring resistance to Asian soybean rust in F2 population in the field conditions


In this study, the aim of this study was to identify the source of resistance using KASP markers developed for Rpp1Rpp5 and screening for resistance in field trials in F2 populations. Ten F2 soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) populations derived from crosses between rust-susceptible (55I57RSF IPRO, 63I64RSF IPRO) and rust-resistant sources (PI 200492, PI 594538A, PI 587880A, PI 594723, PI 230970, PI 506764, PI 459025A and PI 200487) were evaluated. All F2 plants were individually evaluated in field conditions for ASR phenotypic reactions and classified according to sporulation level. KASP markers were developed according to assays associated with Rpp genes available at SoyBase. Based on a slight difference in map position and different phenotypic disease reactions of PI 200492, we suggest that PI 594723 carries a resistance gene Rpp1-b. The Rpp1-b gene from PI 594723 was mapped on Chr 18 in a 12.4 cM region. The PIs carrying Rpp1-b (PI 594723, PI 587880A, and 594538A) showed strong resistance to ASR compared to the lines carrying Rpp1 (PI 200492). A total of 26 KASP markers were significantly associated (P < 0.01) with ASR resistance. Among those, M1, M5, and M6 (Rpp1), M13 and M14 (Rpp2), M16, M17 and M20 (Rpp3), M25 and M26 (Rpp4), and M27 and M28 (Rpp5) have the potential to be used in marker-assisted selection strategies.

Key words  Phakopsora pachyrhizi ; linkage mapping; KASP markers; Glycine max

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