Open-access Mapping phenotypic parameters linked to salt stress tolerance strategies in rice lines


Salinity is recognized as one of the main abiotic stresses, causing declines in the productivity of many crops, such as rice. Considering the importance of rice as a staple food crop, the generalized pattern of salinization in soils around the globe and the sensitivity of the crop to saline soils, the aim of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity / tolerance of upland rice lines. The upland rice lines used in this work were obtained from the Genetic Improvement Program of the Universidade Federal de Lavras. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, with a block design and factorial scheme, with 10 lines and four NaCl treatments (0, 3, 15 and 45 mmol·L-1) on the substrate. Parameters related to the emergence rate, seedling survival rate, growth and architecture, biomass allocation, gas exchange and productivity were evaluated. Salinity levels influenced the emergence and survival rates, especially at the highest levels of NaCl, with lines L1, L4 and L5 showing survival below 60%. These lines were excluded from the experiment, and the other seven lines were carried out until the end of the crop cycle. Grain weight per plant (GWP) was used as an indicator of greater tolerance to salinity, and lines L6, L7 and L8 showed outstanding performance under treatments with increased NaCl. L6 had the highest GWP, while L7 and L8 had less pronounced decreases with increasing NaCl doses. These three lines may be recommended for further studies about the impacts of NaCl on rice production.

Key words abiotic stress; climate change; Oryza sativa L; sustainable agriculture; plant physiology

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