Open-access Available radiant energy in an agroforestry system with rubber tress: the productivity of common beans

It is observed a great adaptation of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to diffuse light, making possible its cultivation in association with other crops. Agroforestry systems (AFS) of rubber trees (Hevea spp.) and beans are extensively reported in many tropical countries, with many advantages in productivity and economic revenue terms. However, the physiological processes involved in the interaction between these species are not well understood yet. This study was aimed to verify the effects of environment modification due to trees in the productivity of common beans grown in AFS as a function of their distance across the rubber tree planting line. It was observed that beans productivity is direct and positively related to irradiation availability, decreasing with the proximity of the trees. Thus irradiation measurement or simulation can be useful on predicting beans production in AFS. The proposed AFS is suitable, as radiation excess to the intercrop is attenuated by the rubber tress during the autumn; in winter, when this excess does not occur, rubber trees attenuated a smaller percentage due to their leaffall. It was not observed differences in harvest index due to shade; however these were 0.54 in autumn and 0.38 in winter seeming to be characteristic to the crop and harvest time.

Hevea spp.; Phaseolus vulgaris; harvest index; productivity; production system; light

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