Open-access Having children in cross-border contexts: late-family formation among homoparental families in Spain

Ter filhos em contextos transfronteiriços: formação familiar tardia entre famílias homoparentais na Espanha


Considered until recently unfit to rear children, non-heterosexual people have been excluded from forming families in most countries. Many, worldwide, demand access to family formation, claiming the same aptitudes as heterosexual people for raising children. However, when non-heterosexual singles and couples want to become parents in Spain, they must consider transnational contexts, resorting to inter-country adoption or surrogacy abroad, processes that contribute to delay their family formation. They must consider not only Spanish sociocultural conditions, but other countries’ legal restrictions regarding parents’ gender, social status, and sexual identity. These families experience great difficulty in gaining access to reproductive health services. Based on multi-site ethnographic fieldwork, this text addresses how, despite legislative changes allowing homoparental family formation in Spain, these parents must overcome complex bureaucratic processes when they decide to have children, while facing homophobic attitudes and policies in their quests to become parents.

Key words: Homoparental family; Late-forming family; Adoption; Assisted reproductive technologies; Surrogacy

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