Open-access The teaching of good obstetric practices from the Residency preceptors’ perspective


The aim of this study was to understand how the topic of good obstetric practices is taught in residency programs according to the preceptors’ perception. This is a descriptive, exploratory study, with data triangulation, with a qualitative approach. A total of 35 professionals participated in the study, of which 21 were physicians and 14 nurses. Data were collected from March to June 2018. The analysis was supported by NVivo software. The nuclei of meanings and categories were identified in the different stages, in pedagogical projects: the structuring aspects, competence profile and guiding policies for normal childbirth; in the interviews: theoretical-practical approach and the practices present in the training and, in participant observation: aspects related to the structure of the scenarios and the use of practices. Possibilities and limits were observed in the role of preceptors in the training process, constituting an area that requires continuous attention, aimed at the strengthening of the pedagogical processes in order to expand the disruptive potential of new health professionals.

Key words: Health human resource training; Natural childbirth; Obstetrics; Women’s health

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