Open-access Who is who in Brazilian environmental health? Identification and characterization of academic groups and civil society organizations

In this paper we present the results of the first phase of the project Who is Who in Brazilian Environmental Health. The aim of this project is to identify and characterize the Academic Groups and Civil Society Organizations acting on the field of environmental health that are able to contribute both to the strengthening of its technical and scientific basis, and to the dialogue with organized civil society. The identification took place through the data source available at CNPq (Research Groups Directory), ABONG (Brazilian Association of Non-Governmental Organizations), FBOMS (Brazilian Forum of NGOs and Social Movements for Environment and Sustainable Development) and RBJA (Brazilian Network for Environmental Justice). The results were presented and discussed based on time evolution, geographic distribution and areas of research and action. Final considerations point to the great potential for dialogue between experts and non experts, governmental and non-governmental, in order to create the foundation for a extended peer community capable of combining policies, knowledge, technologies and actions, seeking the comprehension and search of solutions to the establishment of health as a prerequisite and X a result of well being and full life.

Environmental health; Academic groups; Civil society organizations; Health and environment

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