Open-access (Re)thinking nursing management based on Collective Health concepts

Studies show that in order to manage nursing care, nurses use management methods and strategies based on the classic administration theory. This management does not enable nursing workers to create collective spaces, where they can act as social subjects. Based on the principle that nursing management needs, at the moment, to be seen and exercised under a new view, the author aims at elaborating a reflection on this practice, using the concepts of collective and social subject that are fundamental to Collective Health. Thus, the possibility of approaching this field contributed to expand the author's knowledge and concerns regarding the theme as well as to better understand the nursing theme as a collective of social subjects in action. Therefore, it is important to emphasize that the workers are human beings with their own interests, needs and wishes, producing social relations as they constantly interact with other subjects and are able to build capacities to intervene in this reality. This organized group has the main objective to provide an integral care to the population, performing actions in an ethic, secure and humanized direction.

Nursing management; Nursing; Collective health

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