Open-access An evaluation of elderly people’s understanding of pharmacotherapy among those treated in the Primary Healthcare System in Belo Horizonte, Brazil


There are a greater number of elderly people with diseases which has led to a greater use in medication and complexity in pharmacotherapy. The aim of this study was to understand the level of understanding on pharmacotherapy amongst the elderly and associated factors. An analytical transversal study was carried out in the Primary Health Care Units. Sociodemographic, clinical, and functional characteristics relative to the use of medication were explored. The level of understanding was obtained after a concordance analysis had been done based on the responses from the interviewees and the information on the medical prescriptions such as: name of medication, dosage, frequency, indication, precautions and side effects. The global level of understanding was classified as insufficient in cases where the discordance was ≥ 30%. Of the 227 elderly people interviewed, 51.1% showed an insufficient understanding in relation to their medication. We carried out multivariate logistic regression to observe the factors associated with an understanding of pharmacotherapy. We noted that those with a low level of education and a dependency on the use of medication showed insufficient understanding. (p < 0,05). It is necessary to implement strategies to increase the quality of the guidance given to the elderly and to ensure compliance.

Comprehension; Patient medication knowledge; Drug therapy; Aged; Primary Health Care

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