Open-access The collaborative process in the making of Ciência & Saúde Coletiva


This paper presents the different stages of the editorial process of Journal Ciência & Saúde Coletiva. Different processing work methods have been overcome over these 25 years, and others have been introduced. Each stage of this construction will be analyzed in-depth to discuss the “making” of an academic publication of such a large scale and complexity. The Journal Ciência & Saúde Coletiva delves into each issue a theme in the field, addressing its cross-sectionality and complexity. This thematization ranges from 10 to 35 papers. Thirty-five papers are published monthly (thematic and free subjects), mostly in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, fulfilling the most prestigious national and international open-access databases’ deadline requirements. In this making, one of the significant issues is funding because the crucial development institutions’ support is very scarce.

Key words: Science; Collective Health; Editorial process; Open science

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