Open-access Factors associated with the use of the Child Health Handbook in a large city of the Brazilian Northeast, 2009


This study aimed to investigate the factors associated with mothers reading the Child Health Handbook (CHH) and health professionals completing this instrument, in Feira de Santana, Bahia, 2009. This is a cross-sectional study with the application of 727 forms to mothers of children under one year of age. The outcomes studied were mother reading the CHH and health professionals completing weight and height measures. We performed a logistic regression analysis with p ≤ 0.05. The prevalence of reading, weight and height were, respectively, 81.1%, 68.9% and 47.3%. Mothers with a higher level of education had a greater chance of reading the CHH. Recording weight and height was more prevalent in mothers who were under 35 years of age. Performing childcare in areas of the Family Health Program or the Community Health Workers was positively associated with the height’s record, despite the low prevalence of records. Child age greater than six months was positively associated with all outcomes. It demonstrated the underutilization of CHH by mothers and health professionals, which indicates the need for training of health professionals and guidance to mothers on the importance and management of this issue.

Child development; Child health; Health promotion

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