Open-access Obstetric racism, a debate under construction in Brazil: perceptions of black women on obstetric violence


This article aims to know the perception of women on obstetric violence from a racial perspective. This was a qualitative study carried out in a public maternity hospital with 25 women in the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and participant observation from November 2021 to February 2022. Content analysis was used to organize the data obtained through the interviews. The results were analyzed through the theoretical contributions of intersectionality, focusing on the interaction between obstetric violence and obstetric racism. The narratives discuss issues of obstetric violence, institutional racism, and how these experiences are permeated by issues of race, gender, and class. Questions related to the feelings of these women regarding the experience of violence at the time of childbirth care were also highlighted. Obstetric racism denies reproductive rights and hinders access to respectful and equitable care for black women.

Key words: Obstetric violence; Obstetric racism; Systemic racism; Intersectional framework; Reproductive Rights

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