Open-access The net for protection to the elderly of Rio de Janeiro: a right to be conquered

This article is based on previous studies using triangulation of methods for investigating if violence is obstructing the rights of the elderly. A questionnaire with open and closed questions was applied to a convenience sample of 72 elderly (60 or more years of age) of both sexes. Twenty-two key-informants (elderly people, community leaders and representatives of public institutions) were interviewed. In this survey we investigate the net for protection to the elderly of the city of Rio de Janeiro (institutions, assistance flow, integration, denunciations and measures taken). We analyzed 763 records of occurrences of the Police Department for the Aged and 135 of the NEAPI (Nucleus for Special Assistance for the Aged), taken care of in 2004. We emphasize domestic violence committed by close relatives and point to the need of structuring the formal net through increasing the number of institutions for protection to the aged, professional qualification, communication and integration among the agencies composing the net. We also consider important stimulating the informal nets for support and protection to the elderly.

Violence; Elderly; Net of protection; Rights of the elderly

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