Open-access Predictors of unawareness of HIV serostatus among women submitted to the rapid HIV test at admittance for delivery

This article aims to analyze factors associated with unawareness of prenatal HIV serostatus at admittance for delivery. A cross-sectional study was performed in 2006 in "Friends of Children" Hospitals from the High-risk Pregnancy System, belonging to the Unified Health System, in Rio de Janeiro City. Data were collected through interviews applied to 873 rooming-in mothers submitted to a rapid HIV test at the hospital. Prevalence ratios (PR) of the lack of HIV serologic status were estimated by Poisson regression with robust variance, controlled by maternal and familiar socio-demographic characteristics, pregnancy and prenatal care. Prevalence of unawareness of HIV status was 32.2%. Mothers with low educational level, low-income, more than one relationship in the last year, enrolling late in prenatal care, and low number of prenatal visits were more likely to have unknown HIV status. The main predictor for unawareness of HIV serostatus at hospital admittance was the low number of prenatal visits. It is recommended that coverage of HIV testing during prenatal care be broadened with timely delivery of results, improving early access of pregnant women and increasing the number of prenatal visits, focusing on clients with low socio-economic level.

Prenatal care; HIV; AIDS serodiagnosis; Cross-sectional studies; Unified Health System

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