Open-access Who did not appear? First dental visit absences in secondary care in a major Brazilian city: a cross-sectional study

Quem não compareceu? Ausências às primeiras consultas odontológicas na atenção secundária em um município brasileiro de grande porte: um estudo transversal

The study sought to identify possible factors associated with non-attendance at first dental appointments scheduled in 2011 of users living in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, who were referred from primary care to different dental specialties in secondary care within the public health services of the city. A cross-sectional study was conducted based on research in secondary data bases of the public health regulatory system. The dependent variable was "no shows" for scheduled appointments, and the independent variables were age, time on the waiting list, gender, health district, and the specialty to which the individual was referred. Among the 6,428 first dental visits scheduled for 2011 in the specialties selected for analysis, 32.9 % were not performed due to the absence of the user. Bivariate analysis revealed a statistically significant association between non-attendance of the user and the five independent variables. Young adults, male, and resident in given districts who were referred to the specialties of surgery and endodontics and who waited longer on the waiting list exhibited a higher frequency of no-shows.

Dental health services; Health care evaluation mechanisms; Secondary care

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