Open-access The role of PHC in times of crisis: an analysis of discretion of health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic


Crises are exceptional events that alter the structural arrangements under which street-level bureaucrats (SLBs) normally operate, generating resource shortages, the suspension of rules and routines, and changes in work practices. These characteristics highlight the importance of room for discretion, since quick decisions need to be made in a context pervaded by unpredictability. This study analyzed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil on the discretion of primary health care workers, seeking to understand which factors influence the exercise of discretion, focusing on organizational, emotional and scientific aspects. We used data from an online survey comprising open- and closed-ended questions conducted in March 2021 with 1218 primary care workers. The results show that, unexpectedly, discretion of SLBs does not become a panacea for the crisis. A large portion of professionals continued to operate within the rules, demonstrating a tendency to seek support at work, either through better organizational conditions, the reduction of uncertainty or from science.

Key words: Health workers; Primary Health Care; Street-level bureaucracy; Discretion; COVID-19

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