Open-access Risk of initiation to smoking with the use of electronic cigarettes: systematic review and meta-analysis


This article aims to evaluate the association between the use of electronic cigarettes and initiation to smoking, through a systematic review with meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. A bibliographic search was performed on the MEDLINE, Embase, LILACS and PsycInfo databases. Reference selection, data extraction and risk of bias assessment of the studies were independently carried out in pairs, and the disagreements were discussed with a third researcher to reach a consensus. Meta-analysis was performed using the Mantel-Haenszel random effects model. Among the 25 studies included, 22 evaluated the outcome of conventional cigarette experimentation and nine assessed the outcome of current smoking (in the last 30 days). The meta-analysis showed that the use of electronic cigarettes increased the risk of conventional cigarette experimentation by almost three and a half times (RR=3.42; 95%CI 2.81-4.15), and by more than four times the risk of current smoking (RR=4.32; 95%CI 3.13-5.94). The risk of smoking initiation is significantly higher among electronic cigarette users. The marketing authorization of such devices may represent a threat to public health policies in Brazil.

Key words: Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems; Smoking habit; Smoking Habit Prevention; Systematic Review; Meta-analysis

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