Open-access Challenges for human resources management from successful experiences of Family Health Strategy expansion

This article discusses the management of the work in Family Health Strategy in four major urban centers. The research includes perspectives from different actors who compose and integrate the network of working relationships in Public Health System through questionnaires with employees of professional categories family health team and interviews with managers and representatives of professional bodies. It is a qualitative-quantitative evaluation study. The dimensions analysed were: insertion and remuneration policies, strategies and qualification of employees. The insertion and remuneration policy highlights the replacement of outsourced frames and hiring by public tender that allows links labor more stable. Other strategies are the establishment of allowance for expertise in areas of greater social vulnerability and the assimilation of specialists in Family and Community Medicine with other experts engaged in secondary services. The political will of municipal Manager to qualify the workforce of family health, maintaining the provision of adequate human resources needs of the health system is a fundamental factor for the consolidation of family health strategy in the face of the low degree of specialization of professionals to work in primary health care.

Management of labor; Family health strategy; Qualification of professional of health primary care

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