Open-access Interview with Sonia Guajajara: the Indigenous movement in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic


In this interview, Sonia Guajajara, the executive coordinator of the Brazil’s Indigenous Peoples Articulation (APIB), addresses the analyzis and strategies developed by the Indigenous movement to face the COVID-19 pandemic. Among other topics, she highlights some of the movement’s strategies concerning communication, surveillance, and the monitoring of COVID-19, as well as its actions to support Indigenous territories, the initiatives carried out in the Legislative and Judiciary realms, the movement’s international incidence, and its articulation with academia. Sonia shows the important role played by the Indigenous movement to control the health emergency and to defend the rights of the Indigenous peoples, in the framework of intense conflicts with the federal government and setbacks in public policies.

Key words: COVID-19; Social movements; Indigenous peoples; Public health emergency

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