Open-access Tuberculosis mortality trend in the state of Paraná, Brazil – 1998-2012


The objective was to analyze the trend in tuberculosis mortality in Paraná from 1998 to 2012, according to healthcare macro-region-al, gender and age. Ecological study of time series data with the system of the Unified System Mortality Information Health (SIM/SUS). Trend analysis of standardized mortality rates was performed by linear regression segmented identifying the points with the change trend. There were 847 deaths of residents in Paraná in the period. The trend was initially declining to state, with subsequent significant increase only for the macro-regional East. Mortality from tuberculosis showed growing trend for the age groups 20-39 years and 40-49 years and for males. The growing trend in tuberculosis mortality was observed from 2010 is a warning to managers honing the service at different levels of health care.

Key words Tuberculosis; Mortality; Health evaluation; Time series study

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