Open-access Estimate of activity women's attention that are constrained in the family environment, Attentive in Centro de Apoio à Mulher (Center of Women's Support), in Belo Horizonte, between 1996-1998

These study analyzed the politic of women assistance's victims by violence in environment familiar and assisted by the program Cidadania da Mulher (Women's Citizenship) in two projects "Benvinda" (Welcome) and "Casa Abrigo" (Sheltering home) in Belo Horizonte (MG), Brazil from 1996 to 1998. The data were obtained with half-open and pretested questionnaires, obtaining the mental representation of the support employees, users 10% (N=70) and technical team, besides biological and social data, life conditions of the original families of the users, causes and types of violence (N= 1529 users) between 96 and 98. In conclusion, the data showed: a) the violence occur in by culture social and economic, aspects without determinate that only one aspect is a cause of the violence; b) these data suggest to do studies of analytical cases in and out of familiar space c) These Program is important as emergency political social. It is one reference service for Belo Horizonte population metropolitan area, and countryside of this state. The objective is the better relations between the familiar and these institutions, to preservation the human rights and building of citizenship.

Domestic violence; Outpatient care; Public health

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