Open-access Evidence of the validity of a Brazilian version of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale


This study sought to analyze the evidence of the validity of a Brazilian version of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S), based on indicators relating to: (1) the internal structure; (2) the internal consistency; (3) the relation with external variables; and (4) the content. The instrument was culturally adapted, focusing on semantic and specifically Brazilian linguistic aspects. The Brazilian version of the FCV-19S was then applied, in a virtual environment, to 211 participants (72.98% female) with an average age of 37.07 years (SD=13.03), together with the Self-Perception Questionnaire on Mental Health in Pandemics and the Sociodemographic and Functional Questionnaire. The confirmatory factor analysis revealed one-dimensionality. The internal consistency indices obtained (Cronbach’s alpha =0.921; McDonald’s omega =0.926) can be considered high. The correlation between fear and obsessive thinking of the disease, generalized anxiety, generalized stress, phobic-avoidant behavior and bereavement due to the pandemic was found to be statistically significant. Evidence of the validity related to content, derived from a qualitative approach, were satisfactory. The conclusion drawn is that the Brazilian version of the FCV-19S proved to be adequate regarding the evidence of the expected validity.

Key words: Fear; Validation Studies; COVID-19; Pandemics

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