Open-access The debate about the regulation of the medical act in Brazil

This article discusses the demand for the regulation of the "medical act" in Brazil considering the theoretical framework adopted by the sociology of the professions. It presents and analyzes the main arguments of the health corporations based in official documents and main actors' interviews. The process is understood as a legitimate action of defense of the prerogatives and corporate privileges. Recognizing that the dispute is related to the construction of the professional identities it defends that the regulation of the health professions must respect their competences and theoretical and practical abilities. It concludes emphasizing that the role of the State in the regulation of the professions must consider the interests of the society in face of the intense technical division of the work that happened in the health sector. This means to respect the exclusive competences of the medicine and recognize those of the new professions of the area, such as physiotherapy, phonoaudiology, psychology and others.

Sociology of the professions; Professional identities; Health professions

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