Open-access Validation of the Oral Impacts on Daily Performance index among the Portuguese population


The Oral Impacts on Daily Performance (OIDP) questionnaire is an oral health-related quality of life indicator. It was developed in order to assess the influence of oral conditions on the self-ability to execute daily activities. The main goal of this research was to validate the OIDP for the Portuguese population aged 18 years and above. The first step was to obtain a provisional Portuguese version of the OIDP: the original was translated from English and then back-translated. Some linguistic changes were made, and the final Portuguese version was obtained, which was duly approved by a review committee, whose members included researchers and translators. Subsequently, a pilot study was conducted with 36 subjects (26 on paper and 10 online). Lastly, the final study was performed collecting data online from 513 subjects. Chronbach’s alpha (0.67) and the alpha for standardized items (0.69) were established for reliability. Validity was studied in its various aspects: face, content, construct and concurrent validity. The OIDP-PT revealed good psychometric properties and is a reliable and valid instrument that can be applied to the Portuguese population.

Quality of life; Indicators; Validation studies

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