Open-access The Organization of Secondary Outpatient Care at SHS-DF


Secondary Outpatient Care (SOC) is a subject seldom studied in the literature, but of great importance for the strengthening of Primary Health Care (PHC) and the structuring of the Health Care Network. After the increase of PHC coverage following the Family Health Strategy (FHS) model, through the “CONVERTE APS” project, the State Health Secretariat of the Federal District (SHS-DF) identified the need to organize this level of care throughout the Federal District. SHS-DF has, as its Health Care Planning basis, the knowledge experienced in one of its regions, in addition to the theoretical framework produced and systematized by the National Council of Health Secretariats (CONASS) in recent years, as well as successful experiences in other regions of Brazil and countries with public health systems. The strategies to be used include the following: diagnosis and organization of facility structures, creation of a regional managerial level for Secondary Care, personnel sizing, development of the legal framework for level of care regulation, creation of technical milestones, regulation of medical and non-medical consultations in health regions and matrix support as an education strategy, but also of connection between levels of care.

Keywords Secondary attention; Outpatient care; Specialized outpatient care

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