Open-access The influence of family problems and conflicts on suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in elderly people

Family conflicts and problems involve meanings that are constructed during the course of an existence, and become associated with other factors in manifestations of suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts in elderly people. These questions are analyzed in a qualitative study of interviews with elderly people in four different locations in Brazil. A total of 63 men and women took part, and the interviews were held in 2013 and 2014. The field data showed the following factors – in order of the importance that the interviewees gave to them: significant family losses; family and inter-generation conflicts; and explicit and veiled violence. The speech of the subjects showed, as elements that led them to try to end their lives: sadness; feelings of abandonment; isolation, incomprehension of their desires by their family members, and absence of manifestations of affection and/or respect. When telling their stories, they also gave clues about what they expect from their families: welcome, acceptance, comprehension and freedom to carry out their minor wishes; to end their lives in a dignified manner without suffering; to find help and protection for the progressive reduction of their capacities; to continue to participate in family decisions, and to prolong to the maximum their social achievements and prerogatives, such as property, authority and respect.

Elderly; Suicidal ideation; Attempted suicide; Family relationships

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