Open-access Factors associated with the recurrence of violence against children and adolescents. Mato Grosso-Brazil, 2013 to 2019


This study examined factors associated with the recurrence of interpersonal violence against children and adolescents in Mato Grosso state, considering cases recorded in the Notifiable Diseases Information System, from 2013 to 2019. Associations between variables were estimated by logistic regression and stratified by age group (children and adolescents). The frequency of recurrent violence against children was 49.0% and, against adolescents, 42.9%. For both, recurrent violence was positively associated with occurrence at home, psychological or emotional violence, aggressors’ being more than two, their being relatives and threats being the means of aggression. Neglect or abandonment and male or both-sex aggressors were positively associated with recurrent violence against children. Against adolescents, poor education, sexual violence and intimate-partner aggressors were positively associated with recurrent violence, while other aggressors and firearms or physical force were negatively associated. The findings offer significant contributions to knowledge of factors associated with recurrent violence, which is still little studied in the national and international literature. This is essential in order to inform strategies to reduce the recurrence of violence and protect children and adolescents.

Key words: Violence; Child; Adolescent; Recurrence

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